Sunday, September 28, 2008



Friday, September 19, 2008


首相署部长再益依布拉欣9月15日下午2时,向首相阿都拉呈上辞去部长职的函件. 他表明不满政府援引内安法令逮捕新闻从业员、部落客及从政者。再益依布拉欣辞职立场非常坚定,即使政府释放另两名在内安法令下被扣留的人士,他也不会收回辞职函. 他不会接受挽留. 当时身为部长再益依布拉欣非常不满政府援引内安法令逮捕3人,特别是扣查记者。再益依布拉欣强烈不满政府援引内安法令逮捕记者,这是他要辞职的主因. 他的精神实在让人家佩服!如果能有多办几个这样子的部长可说是人民的福气啊!他的精神值得我们向他学习.不会当官的部长们请你们不要为了名利误入歧途.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Legend has it that George Washington, America's first president, chopped down a cherry tree in his youth. The story goes that George gives the tree a good swing and chops it down with an axe. His father sees the damaged tree and asks his son if he knows who did the deed. George is quoted bravely admitting the truth: 'I can't tell a lie, Pa; you know I can't tell a lie. I did cut it with my axe.'
Below is a satire of how some Malaysian politicians circa 2008 may have reacted to the question:
Abdullah Ahmad Badawi - 'I did not cut down the tree , I was just taking a nap underneath it.'

Najib Razak - 'I swear that I have never MET that tree.'

Hishamuddin Hussein Onn- '...but I only own a keris ,not axe, how to cut down the tree?'

Dr Mahathir Mohamd - 'Apa nama cherry tree, yes, I chopped it down because, I don't like the idea of Pak lah sleeping under it.'

Chua Soi Lek - 'Yes it was me, I resign as caretaker of this orchard.'

VK Lingam - 'It could be me, it might have been me but I don't think its me.'

Anwar Ibrahim - 'I did NOT do it, and I am not giving any DNA sample for you to plant on the axe handle.'

Mohd Khir Toyo - 'The new state government should just trim the grass and not waste time asking who cut the tree.'

Ahmad Said ( Terengganu MB ) - 'I chopped it because cherry trees are more expensive to maintain than durian trees.'

Azalina Othman - 'The cherry tree is not included under my tourism MOU so I cut it down and besides there were unauthorised signboards put up around the tree.'

Shabery Cheek - 'I challenge you to a debate on tree cutting.' S Samy Velu - 'I chopped it because Hindraf members were using it as a meeting point.

Wira Ali Rustam - 'We have planted durian trees for 50 years and we will plant them for another 50 years, we do not need cheery trees, apple trees , pear trees and all these other foreign trees.'
Rais Yatim - 'You must see the bigger picture, Ahmad said cherry trees are expensive to maintain, Ali Rustam said that are against our national identity and I needed to test my new axe, so you see, it is a WIN-WIN situation all around.'

Sharir Samad - 'I cut the tree because we could no longer afford to subsidise it.'

Karpal Singh - 'The bigfoot creature did it.'

Bung Mokhtar - 'The big monkey did it'

Pandikar Amin Mulia - 'There is nothing in the standing orders against chopping cherry trees. Kinabatangan duduk, Bukit Gelugor duduk .

Khairy Jamaluddin - I did not do it, neither did the Mat Rempits. By the way, what's a cherry tree?'

Lim Kit Siang - 'Cherry tree also you don't know, you are an insult to Oxford !'

Nazri Abdul Aziz - 'Racist, racist, racist! When we cut down durian trees nobody made a fuss. Now...'

Malaysian Citizens - 'Oh for heavens sake! Somebody plant something before we all starve to death!'

Thursday, September 4, 2008



Wednesday, September 3, 2008


馬華部長在的內閣會議上,反映巫統升旗山區部主席阿末依斯邁的“華人寄居論”已傷害到華社的感受,阿末必須向非馬來人道歉。因此,內閣將轉告阿末必須針對本身的言論道歉。際此全民歡慶國慶日51週年紀念時,全民團結得來不易,當事人的言論不應傷害華社感受。衛生部長兼馬青總團長廖中萊報證實,馬華部長已把“華人寄居論”課題,在內閣會議上大力反映,接著內閣要國陣其他成員黨各級領袖,關注該課題所掀起的巨大影響。如果馬華公會真的是為民族 做事那就很好!本人是覺得馬華公會不會那麼主動的向巫統施壓!!!巫統的一貫作風也不吃這一套!!他們如此的爽朗的決定應該說是以政黨的政治前景作為考量。這也是說某某政治領袖的道歉未必是真心的。政黨害怕事件會如雪球越滾越大殃及到整個黨。國陣必需與時並進做出改革。馬華公會應該反省不要再做巫統的保鏢。