Sunday, March 14, 2010

GST= Government Suck Tax

Proposed to be enforced in the third quarter of next year, the GST is aimed at widening the tax base and reducing the country’s deficit.The Goods and Services Tax (GST) Bill will not be tabled for the second reading

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


大专青年协会总会(大专青) 擅自会见马大校方,并且宣称已跟当局取得共识,指会对6名学生施予警告信或者罚款的处分。大专青主席王子敬向媒体透露,他昨天已经会见马大学生事务处副校长阿沙里亚,并且获得后者口头答应只会给该学生警告信或者罚款。他更呼吁学生尊重校方规定,遵循校方办活动的规则。
On that situation, I have two reason can said王子敬 is a busy body person and dont know to respect people.
1. He is not the spokeperson or lawyer for the Six defendants. So, he do not have legitimate power to so.
2. Although, he is president for the organisation of graduate. But, dos'nt means that he can representing them to talk with HEP UM.

As we all known this type of people mostly came from MCA or BN crony.

Saturday, July 11, 2009


小弟今天不懂国家的什么大日子?是元首生日?小弟去了几家银行都没有营业。但是当时不明白为什么他们没开。过后小弟又兴致勃勃向区国家语言局(Dewan Bahasa Dan Pustaka)买一本国语书籍。可惜走大概半公里,才发现书局没有开。欣然很失望也还是搞不懂为什么今天到底是什么大日子?这个星期时七月份的第二星期找理由营业才对。当我去卖晚报的时候才焕然大悟, 原来今天是我国首项第一百天执政. 小弟才明白原来我国的地位可视像天子那么大! 小地真的不明白纳吉执政一百天难道就是公假吗?那么第二百天和第三百天是否也是公假吗?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Opinion from Rakyat or Dr. M??????


By Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on July 9, 2009 2:17 PM

I am not surprised over the disappointment and even anger towards the Government's decision on the teaching of Maths and Science. Seems to me like the Government is not listening to the voice of the people.Perhaps a blog poll might enlighten the Government as to the opinions of the people.The question to be answered is whether visitors to my blog support or oppose the decision to teach Maths and Science in Bahasa Malaysia.

If you support just say Yes.

If you don't please say No.

I will then try to let the Government know your opinion.

Current Result- YES 18%

-NO 82%

Total Votes - 32314





Tindakan Dr. M sebegini adakah beliau masih tidak melupakan kesalahan yang dilakukannya pada tahun 2003 semasa PPSMI diteruskan dan tanpa menghiraukan pendapat umum. Tindakan kerajaan Najib yang nampak akur kepada permintaan rakyat adakah akan duri dalam daging hubungannya Dr. M. Kita masih segar dalam ingatan bahawa Dr. M telah melakukan tekanan habis-habisan terhadap Abdullah Badawi dan menyebabkan beliau terpaksa melepaskan jawatan PM. Kemungkinan Dr. M hendak menjadi menteri mentor seperti Lee Kuan Yew agar sentiasa dihormati dan digeruni oleh pengganti-penggantinya.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

可怜的郑可 扬!!!

民政党署理主席郑可 扬说:当官会使人改价值观,要是下屆大选行动党仍保持傲慢態度,檳城政权迟早会倒台。他的的这一番话,小弟不大认同!
行动党如果没有当家自主的款式就躲入公正党的沙笼。那么和之前的治政槟州民政党没有分别。郑可 扬看来到今天还不清楚为什么民政党会有如此下场。他还敢公开向行动党呛声!我还是觉得他要多多反省。人民不是不喜欢国阵的服务,只是不能部份领袖太窝囊。一次又一次向霸权的巫统低头。郑(真)窝囊废!!!!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


传现任州议员陷财务危机 吉北瓜拉尼浪酝酿另一场补选?该区州议员拿督赛苏比里因欠下银行逾15万令吉,而於去年11月被法庭宣判入穷籍及解决后,近日又因面对银行百万令吉的债务,可能使瓜拉尼浪州席酝酿另一场补选。

槟本南地州席补选 523提名531投票
